Friday, August 23, 2013

I just wanted to say Hey Y'all!

Hey Y'all!

First of all I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ashley Davis. I am 25 years old and I live in South Louisiana with my handsome, civil engineer husband and two, little, adopted girls (of the canine variety). I earned a Masters of Architecture degree and I am currently working as an intern architect in the small town I grew up in. 

I wind down by crafting and making in my spare time. I want to bring the world some Southern Charm, Modern Style, and a Vintage Look! I love everything to do with Architecture, Design, Art, Crafting, Making and DIY.

I  want to give you a little insight into my thinking by explaining my blog name "Southern Architectress". Lets break it down:

suh´th`-ern. adj. 3. Native to or growing in the south.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Source:

So I am obviously from the South and I fully celebrate my Southern heritage. I was born, raised, went to school, live and work within the same 50 miles. And just because I am working in the same small town I grew up in doesn't mean that I am not cultured. I am quite the traveler (even living in Europe for a summer in graduate school). I have seen the world and decided that the little corner of the globe I am from is the place I want to be. I love the traditions, the hospitality, the food and the family here. 

Ar´chi`tec`tress. n. 1. A female architect.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co. Source:

I am currently on the path to become a licenced Architect. My career is a major part of my life and defining my self as an Architectress makes me proud. I also want to put a disclaimer on why I choose Architectress... I know that architecture is a male dominated field, so I want to embrace that I am a woman who choose this particular career path. I didn't want to pick the name of my blog to create a further divide between the sexes in the world of construction, but I wanted to embrace my femininity and how that brings a new perspective into the field I choose.

I hope y'all stay and look around my blog and enjoy a little bit of my Southern life!

Photograph by Ms. Nicole Bell of Nicole Bell Photography

Linked up to Like A Saturday